After church today my dear friend and I chatted briefly. Although it was a short and sweet conversation; it wasn’t the typical after service banter about nothing much. It was a chat that after I reflected on it, shifted my perspective about this stage of life as an empty-nester entrepreneur. My friend looked at me with the kindest expression on her face and said, “KP, it’s time to enjoy your life.” The three simple words “enjoy your life” meant so much to me. Certain popular Christian speakers say this to folks all the time. And frankly, I’ve given this advice to others. Today though, on the direct receiving end of this exhortation, something clicked for me like never before.
The three words stirred a desire in me to be more intentional about enjoying my life AS IT IS and ALL that it entails. This is more than just being grateful for living. I already express gratitude to God for that. I have a deep awareness of life’s fragility since I was once on the brink of losing it. No, this is different. I am talking about ENJOYING, taking pleasure and satisfaction in, my LIFE and every aspect of it.
I acknowledge that difficult circumstances will come my way and test my faith but I’ve lived long enough to witness God’s power, faithfulness, and mercy to know that I will be well cared for all the days of my life. I have so much more to learn, so much to get together, and so many unforeseen challenges to face. But I’d rather embrace each challenging task or situation maturely with confidence, not in myself but in Christ. I also want to stop for a moment and savor each triumph. I don’t do this enough.
My dear accountability partners, please help me with this. Hold me to this pledge to myself. I will exhort you to do the same.
“…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10b (NIV)
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